Elite Force MAG Rebuild HK USP GBB
Don€™t let a busted magazine keep you away from the battle. Easily replace broken or missing parts from your Gas Blowback magazine with this Elite Force HK USP Magazine Rebuild Kit. Accidents happen, even the highest quality of airsoft guns and magazines can experience wear and tear which is why we offer this kit! The reasonable price allows the user to quickly get back into the firefight without breaking the bank or needing to purchase a new magazine. These kits are perfect for having on hand just in case your magazine breaks down in the middle of all the action, just grab a kit and go!
- Compatible for Elite Force HK USP Airsoft Gas Blowback Magazines
- Direct OEM Replacement Parts Package
- Restore Older / Broken Magazines to Like-New Condition
- Perfect Backup Option in Case of Emergency
- High Quality Internal Parts.
Item No: 2211104
Vendor No: 2211104
Elite Force Elite Force MAG Rebuild HK USP GBB
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