Prometheus NGRS (Next Gen Recoil Shock) Non-Linear AEG Spring, MS90
Prometheus NGRS (Next Gen Recoil Shock) Non-Linear AEG Spring, MS90
The Prometheus MS90 spring for Next Generation Recoil Systems is designed for use in the Tokyo Marui NGRS series of guns to change the platform's fps output. This spring's length is different as the NGRS series cannot take standard AEG length springs. The fps out put of this spring is going to based off not only the spring itself but the systems its installed in and the parts being used in tandem with it like the length of the inner barrel and the rest of the compression assembly.
System Tokyo Marui NGRS
Strength MS90
Prometheus Prometheus NGRS (Next Gen Recoil Shock) Non-Linear AEG Spring, MS90
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